
18 May

After breakfast, Francis dragged the bike back into the car and was happy for another day with me 🙂
We drove back to Aubonne, where I had finished the day yesterday climbing under barbed wire…. The first two hours got me running into Pontarlier and I was pretty confident I’d be looking for Swiss Francs before bed. Had a close encounter with a couple of deer that almost ran into me on an old railway track, plenty of mud again and some serous hills.
The scenery as we came close to the border was breath taking. A place called Jougne. Definitely worth going back to.
After that it was time to cross the border into Switzerland and bid a fond farewell to a great new mate and all round “unbelievable” guy.  Thanks Francis for a fab 2 days. May we meet again soon.

So on I went with the friggin pack that had blown the budget and weighed in at 10 kgs that morning… Culling to be done. Hard when you have to carry 2 litres of water and food for at least 24 hours.
I was going through some pretty special looking places and some pretty horrid hills. Even an old Roman road….

I finally called it stumps about 600 metres before a place called Romainmoutier, pitching my tent in the woods. No phone reception or Internet but birds tweeting, bears growling and me.

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